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Yellow Flowers



Preschool-aged children are invited to weekly Sunday School after worship for a time of praise, Bible stories, and hands-on activities to develop their understanding of the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

Grades K-5


Elementary school-aged children are invited to weekly Sunday School after worship.

Currently, we are working through the story of redemption in the Old and New Testament through the Gospel Project curriculum.

Grades 6-12


Students in grades 6 through 12 are invited to weekly Sunday School and monthly Youth Groups on the last Saturday of each month. Stay up to date on Youth Group meetings through our weekly newsletter and click here for Youth Group resources.

A Covenant Community

At Grace United OPC, we are committed to supporting one another as we faithfully, conscientiously, and genuinely live out our vows before God and His people.


Parent's Vows upon Child's Baptism: 

(1) Do you acknowledge that although our children are conceived and born in sin and therefore are subject to condemnation, they are holy in Christ by virtue of the covenant of grace, and as children of the covenant are to be baptized?

(2) Do you promise to teach diligently to this covenant child the principles of our holy Christian faith, revealed in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and summarized in the Confession of Faith and Catechisms of this Church?

(3) Do you promise to pray regularly with and for this covenant child, and to set an example of piety and godliness before (him/her)?

(4) Do you promise to endeavor, by all the means that God has appointed, to bring this covenant child up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, encouraging (him/her) to appropriate for (himself/herself) the blessings and fulfill the obligations of the covenant?


Congregation's Commitment to the Parents and Covenant Child

As this covenant child is baptized into Christ and becomes a member of his visible church, the whole congregation is obligated to love (him/her) and receive (him/her) as a member of the body of Christ. For "we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body," and therefore are members of one another. Christ claims this little child as his own and calls you to receive (him/her) in love and commitment. Therefore, you ought to commit yourself before God to assist this covenant child and (his/her) parents in (his/her) Christian nurture by godly example, prayer, and encouragement in our most precious faith.


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